Gmod blood and guts edition

ok so i'm a awesome gmoder i'm probaly the best! i had gmod for 6 months! i'll littarly go on at 2 am and make gmod pornos!
but one day i downloaded this explosive gun from steam workshop. i then went on gmod, this was at 2 am, i decided to test it at gm_bigcity, I LOADED THE MAP! it took 666 seconds to load the map (yes i counted it since i was bored waiting), well it usually takes a while to load maps so i ignored it.
when i started the sky was complete dark black, no stars, no moon, just pitch black. i was kinda confused. and the place you start had dead corpses all over it was gun shots all over them with blood, HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD!!! . i decided to get the gun but the icon for it was red and black.
i got the gun and tested it on a npc. but all the nsp's were zombie looking and rotten looken with limbs missing and blood, not just blood HYPER REALISTIC FUCKING BLOOD!
i got the gun and the gun shot with a echo sound. the npc exploded with its guts and blood going everywhere, its heart splitted in half and flew both dirrections and the brain blew up with the veins and gush. AND THAT FUCKING SOUND! IT SOUNDED LIKE A WATER BALLOON GETTING HIT WITH A HAMMER!. i was horrified. i sat there in disgust what seemed like 3 minutes. i exit out of the map. i tried cheering myself up with a super mario world map i download yesterday, when i started it, there was no sign of any enemies that were scattered around the map. and the sky was black as always, i tried using sky editor to change it but it was not there, all my guns assept the one i downloaded were deleted, even the ones gmod came with.
i didn't use any weapons then.
i decided to have fun with my scp npc's but the fun stopped when i ran across this figure looking like gman, but his clothes were black (like a preist's clothes) with HYPER REALISTIC blood all over him, he had a girls head instead of a suitcase, and he had 666 written on his forehead in hyper realistic blood.
he threw the girls head at me and i exploded like what happened to that guy i shot. but the noise echoe'd for like 3 minutes. i was scared shittles, when i pressed the mouse to come back to life, THE MAP HAD HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD EVERYWHERE! THE PENTAGON WAS WRITTEN ON ALL THE FLOORS AND WALLS! THERE WERE NPC'S NAILED TO CROSSES! THERE WERE CANDELS EVERYWHERE AND THE WHOLE PLACE HAD FIRE ALL OVER IT!!! AND IT WAS FULL OF ZOMBIES!!!
i fighted the zombies with the gun but the zombies made a very sad cry when i shot them, the headcrabs made a sad kitten meow when they got blown up. i just couldn't kill the zombies. then the gman looking guy came and said YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING PUSSY! I HATE YOU!
my character then got torn in half by the zombies and blood went all over the screen. and the map exploded. i exited out and thought for a momment. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!? i gasp! IT WAS THE GUN!
i had to delete that gun! it exited out of gmod and deleted that gun! BUT I COULDN'T FIND IT! I SEARCHED IT BUT NOTHING SHOWED UP! i thought that the gun deleted itself so i played gmod again. i was happy that i can play normal but when i was going to this map that was a lego jail it was renamed HAIL SATAN!!!
i quickly frowned and realized it wasn't over. i was scared to load the map i really was. my curiosity got the best of me and i clicked it, it loaded normally. it loaded but it was very dark and there was this naked girl tied on the floor in a pentagon, there was pentagons everywhere. the girl started yelling and then a giant antlion gaurd came out of the girls pussy as it bled all over the floor, the antlion gaurd was full of hyper realistic blood.
it chased me, i used the gun but it was gone, oh yeah, i had to lead it to poison water that was in the map. the poison water was full of the baby dolls but they were covered in hyper realistic blood. the antlion gaurd fell in and was getting torn in pieces by these grotesque mermaids with saggy moldy hair and faces, complete black bleeding eyes, a bunch of body hair, and hyper realistic blood on there mouths that was full of fangs. the antlion gaurd started bleeding upwards and on the ceiling, where it opened a purple portal. i was curious and scared so i jumped in. it then showed my gravestone in a very white feild with a bunch of graves with my parents names on them, i pissed my pants, i thought i would pass out. i decided to do something i never thought i would do.
i shred gmod and redownload it. after what seemed 2 and a half hours i got gmod again. i decided to test one last map, it was a island resort map. i loaded it, it seemed normal, DID I FIX IT? I HOPE.
i loaded the map. it looked fine. i had some fun with my boat mod. defeating a megladon i downloaded. testing my fish npc's' . but what was weird was i saw something i thought i wouldn't see, it was a sexy girlfriend! she was naked and shaking her hips. when i approached her a crossbow arrow shot her in the heart. blood bursted on half the island and the sky started turning red. then this giant red demon with wings and goat horns and reptile eyes and big fangs with a huge mouth came from the ocean and flew out making a roar. a bunch of zombies started coming out of the ground, and the sound of a clock was ticking. i fight'd the zombies with a crowbar i had, there were to many, then pentagons started appearing everywhere. i ran in my resort room, it was full of smoke and candles and dead people. i ran to one of the rooms where it lead to a huge hall way with paintings presidents that died all over the walls. then the presidents started crawling out and chasing me with there complete white skin and bloodshot eyes, i ran as fast as i could to the door. when i opened it i was in what looked like inside my house, it was a gorey fetish fiesta with demon girls sucking tit milk from there vaginas and other weird fucked up porn. then the demon and the presidents bursted in and killed everyone. i ran in my room to see me on the computer
this is when the door barged open in my house to see my player then the computer blown up, THIS IS FOR REAL! the demon ate the guy and the presidents and demon tried to kill me, i jumped out the window. to see the sky complete gray raining dead babies. i ran to my girlfriends house to stay safe, 30 seconds after being there the house started shaking by the demon, the demon then ran to us. my girlfriend got her gun and shot the demon and it blown up in the awful way, BUT IT WAS IN REAL LIFE! my girlfriend was like WHAT THE SHIT!? i was speechless.
i survived and now everything's gone normal, your probaly disappointed that i survived but whatever.